So, a few updates before my exactly-half-way-through review! First, I got a new book today from the used book store called So Super Starry. It was only one dollar and sixty cents and it looks really good--pretty decent deal! And second, already 107 pageviews and only 2 from me! That's huge in my opinion!
Oh right. I've got a review to type.
Hm. Well, I suppose my expectations are/were a bit too high. The writing style in this book seems like it would appeal to me, but maybe it's a bit too casual. Or maybe in the middle. I'm very picky about the actual style of the book. The plot won't matter at all if the style sucks.
Since the style is the most important to me, so far this book is a bit of a disappointment. But not too bad that I can't keep reading! It's decent. Maybe good. Yeah, good. But I was EXPECTING it to be great, y'know?!
But I totally love Annabeth. Talk about girl power! She's literally perfect. She doesn't take crap from anybody and I really admire that. Rick Riordan should do a spin-off series with her as the main character.
Also, when does that underwater kiss happen? I already ship Percy and Annabeth.
Well, that's all for now. Catch you later my 11 readers! (On average I have 11 reads per post. That's pretty great by MY standards!)
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