Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Just Today Basically..!

Hi again, my fun nonexistent readers! It's almost 11:10 PM right now, so the only thing I have time for right now is a quick personal update, since those are quickest. (I don't even have to think, since it happened to me in real life!)
Okay, so here's the review for 'The Night Dance.' Right here to be exact! Please read it. It took me an eternity to download all those gifs onto the text box. Now I'm reading Witch Season: Fall by Jeff Mariotte.
So since this is basically a book blog, I'll tell you something that happened today. My 'frenemy' who's a member of the Bible Study at my school (Read the first entry in this blog.) saw me reading 'The Night Dance' today and she asked me:
"Is that that 12 dances princesses crap?"
"Oh, wow. That's absolute crap. Look," She pointed her friend at me. "She's reading about the twelve dancing princesses."
So I tried to stand up to her for once. It didn't work. "Yeah? And what are you reading?"
She pulled this piece of shit from her lap and said: "Something way better than that." She pointed at my book.
Look, are you seriously gonna bully me because of  a book I'm reading!?! The book she had had plenty of pages but no substance. You don't get anything from it, it's just something you read to waste time. Jeez.
But dude.
I was feeling down about that whole thing when I got home..until MY MOM GOT US LES MISERABLES TICKETS! I'll be going to see the play on February 11 of this year. WOO HOO!

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