Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My Book Came In The Mail Today!! (Totally Spaced Out)

(Okay, review for the worst book in the world, So Super Starry, right here. )

Anyways, do you remember when I wrote the other day about how we should support self-published authors and buy their books? Well I bought one off of Amazon by Chloe-Gadsby Jones (Read that blog post if you don't know what I'm talking about.) and I got it today.

See, when I say the envelope in the mailbox I was really excited, cause I was really looking forward to reading it. I was expecting a chapter book about an inch thick..but it was really just the width  and height of a magazine, very glossy, and half a centimeter thick. Which, in my opinion, is pretty cool.

I'm about half-way through it already, and the story's okay, but not my absolute favorite. Kind of dull, predictable, but I do like the style. The style is what matters the most to me.

Bye bye, my 11 readers!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Reasons Feminism is Relevant.

(Review on The Lightning Thief right here. )

So, as the title said, here are my reasons that feminism is still relevant. I'm doing this because one of my 2 best friends, Jacey, told me we were already equal as women. Ha! I think not.

1) There is yet to be a female president.
2) If a boy wears a skirt or some other 'girl' item of clothing, he's shunned because only a girl is supposed to wear them. But if a girl wears guy clothes nobody says anything because it's okay to be a boy.
3) If a woman is raped and is wearing "revealing" clothes, she's blamed for it. No, it's never the victim's fault. It's the rapists fault. 
4) If a girl does the nasty with a lot of boys, she's called a slut. If a guy does that, he's congratulated.
5) When pro-lifers forbid their daughter from getting an abortion, they're actually putting more quality on the fetus's life than hers. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
6) Female politicians are constantly asked who is going to take care of their children at home.
7) Every adult Halloween costume designed for men is fun and covers up every body part. The ones designed for women are revealing and lacy, as if she's made for pleasing the men.
8) Women have a wage gap because they're expected to leave work and have children.
9) In the boys' section at any department store, the graphic t-shirts have things about adventure and video games printed on them. In the girls' everything is pink and have things like "drama queen" printed all over them.
10) It's still considered strange for a man to vacuum or take care of children.
11) Breasts are sexualized.
12) For a man to buy something, it's got to have "for men" printed on it.
13) Peta advertisements.
14) "A Man and his Truck" advertisements.

There are many more, but that's all I have time for. I hoped some of you conservatives learned something.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1) by Rick Riordan.

So, a few updates before my exactly-half-way-through review! First, I got a new book today from the used book store called So Super Starry. It was only one dollar and sixty cents and it looks really good--pretty decent deal! And second, already 107 pageviews and only 2 from me! That's huge in my opinion!

Oh right. I've got a review to type.
Hm. Well, I suppose my expectations are/were a bit too high. The writing style in this book seems like it would appeal to me, but maybe it's a bit too casual. Or maybe in the middle. I'm very picky about the actual style of the book. The plot won't matter at all if the style sucks.
Since the style is the most important to me, so far this book is a bit of a disappointment. But not too bad that I can't keep reading! It's decent. Maybe good. Yeah, good. But I was EXPECTING it to be great, y'know?!
But I totally love Annabeth. Talk about girl power! She's literally perfect. She doesn't take crap from anybody and I really admire that. Rick Riordan should do a spin-off series with her as the main character.
Also, when does that underwater kiss happen? I already ship Percy and Annabeth.
Well, that's all for now. Catch you later my 11 readers! (On average I have 11 reads per post. That's pretty great by MY standards!)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Excited to Read the 'Percy Jackson Series!'

I have like, two announcement sort of things to make before I actually start this blog post. Number one is that I finished Witch Season: Fall just a few moments ago, and the review is right here.
Number two, this post is going to count as my January 24 post, even though it says it was published on the 25. I haven't gotten around to posting until now, and it's almost 1:00 AM. I'll be posting tomorrow, or actually, later today as well. Maybe not if I'm feeling lazy.

So at my school library, there's this thing called the 'Take-or-leave' shelf. The librarian puts books that have a low check-out rate or are in very bad condition on there. Also if it's very popular and there are already many copies of that particular book.
I was working on my extra-credit product with a friend in the library, right beside the take-or-leave shelf. I glanced over and noticed a green book spine. Engraved in silver lettering were the words: THE LIGHTENING THIEF. 
After I saw it, I basically felt like it was my duty to guard it. Based on the things I've seen on goodreads--all the roleplays, groups, and Percy-obsessed people--I knew that this book ought to be good. And it was obviously really popular. How did I know that someone wouldn't come snatch it away from me?!
I ended up getting it, of course, or there would be a blog post about how bummed I was. Even though the front of this book is basically RIPPED in half, wrinkly, and weak, it's still the same book with the same words as a new copy.
Because of all the hype this book is getting, I have VERY high expectations. Not like a small little young adult novel I'd pick up on a rushed trip to the library. This is serious. Hardcore, even. (How dumb did that sound?)
So, nonexistent readers, be looking out for my review on goodreads and my half-way-through review on this blog. I'm going to be extremely critical about this one. No doubt!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Witch Season: Fall by Jeff Mariotte

Hello my lovelies! :)
Here's another fun review I write when I'm not even finished with the book! Hip-hop-hooray! 
So far, this book is literally the bomb. I love the writing style. It is in 3rd person, but somehow the author wrote it so there's as much emotion as a first person narrative. It's like he's the witch, not the characters in the book! Writing like this is almost unearthly!
But, there is a flaw in this book, just like real holy things. (You can elaborate that however you want. I don't want to offend my poor little nonexistent readers.) What is that flaw, you ask? Well, here go's!
Everytime the author gets tired of talking about one character's dilemma, he switches to another person in as little as one line skipped, so it's kind of confusing to know who he's talking about and when. And also, it's difficult to keep track of all those characters. There's about 1000000 characters so far. (Which means about 6)
But, overall, I'm really excited to continue reading this. Last time I read, I left off on page 112. I'm making good progress!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Just Today Basically..!

Hi again, my fun nonexistent readers! It's almost 11:10 PM right now, so the only thing I have time for right now is a quick personal update, since those are quickest. (I don't even have to think, since it happened to me in real life!)
Okay, so here's the review for 'The Night Dance.' Right here to be exact! Please read it. It took me an eternity to download all those gifs onto the text box. Now I'm reading Witch Season: Fall by Jeff Mariotte.
So since this is basically a book blog, I'll tell you something that happened today. My 'frenemy' who's a member of the Bible Study at my school (Read the first entry in this blog.) saw me reading 'The Night Dance' today and she asked me:
"Is that that 12 dances princesses crap?"
"Oh, wow. That's absolute crap. Look," She pointed her friend at me. "She's reading about the twelve dancing princesses."
So I tried to stand up to her for once. It didn't work. "Yeah? And what are you reading?"
She pulled this piece of shit from her lap and said: "Something way better than that." She pointed at my book.
Look, are you seriously gonna bully me because of  a book I'm reading!?! The book she had had plenty of pages but no substance. You don't get anything from it, it's just something you read to waste time. Jeez.
But dude.
I was feeling down about that whole thing when I got home..until MY MOM GOT US LES MISERABLES TICKETS! I'll be going to see the play on February 11 of this year. WOO HOO!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Night Dance by Suzanne Weyn

Here we go, another fun review during the time I'm only half way through the book. How fun! Using only the last one I did on this blog as a reference, it seems like these half-way through reviews are nothing like my last one. 
Well, okay. When I first started this book, I could only get 30 pages into it in one sitting. That's nothing compared to my usual 50 or 70 pages. The writing style was slow and it seemed as if it was going nowhere. I fell asleep twice during these first 30 pages. Think of the first few pages of The Hobbit. That's what it was like.
And then, as I continued reading today, it got much better. People are getting hurt. Someone got kissed. Love interests. Secrets were told. (And not on purpose.) It didn't get so good that I'd drop everything right now and go read it, but I wouldn't mind reading when I was bored. (Which I'm not right now..I'm on Goodreads.)
So, maybe this book will end up being the best one in the world. We'll see.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Supporting young, self-published authors

Last night, I was on Goodreads (what's new? I've been spending almost three hours on there a day, recently.) and I noticed that a member of a group I'm in actually had a few self-published books on her profile; all reviewed by her friends. And get this. She's only thirteen years old! Even if they were self-published, they're still on amazon. And I read a preview. They sound quite good.

Her name is Chloe Gadsby-Jones, and her goodreads account is right here.
She is currently preparing a fantasy novel, Whisk Me Away, ''based off of life experiences."

So, since there was hardly any feedback on any of her work, I decided I wanted to buy a copy and do a professional review. So I can, you know, support her.

I think it's important to support young authors so they know their work is good and that they should continue their career and passion.

I would recommend buying Chloe's book on Amazon right about here.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Don't Fight In The Library

Hi, again, nonexistent readers!

Today I finished Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. The review on goodreads is right here.

So, since that was the last of the 4 books I got for Christmas, I had nothing to read, and school doesn't get back in until Wednesday. The public library, which is sad compared to my school one, was my only option.

After my mom, sister and I ate smoothies at the  Tropical Smoothie Cafe, we drove to the library. Mom went straight to the adult thriller section and my sister (who doesn't like reading. What the hell??) and I walked to the Young Adult section.

I chose three books.
1) 100 Flowers And How They Got Their Names by Diana Wells
2) The Night Dance by Suzanne Weyn
3) Witch Season: Fall by Jeff Mariotte

Afterwards, me and Katherine (Sister. You might as well know her name cause I'll probably be talking about her a lot.) went over to the nonfiction section.
"I dare you to give this to mom," Katherine said. It was a how-to book called Grandparenting. 
"I'll do it. Okay."
I walked over to the next aisle and handed my mom the book. After laughing, she said: "Go put that back where you found it." 
I shoved it into Katherine's hands. "Put it back."
"You do it."
"I don't know where it goes! You put it away!" 
"Why can't you do it?"
"I didn't take it off the frickin' shelf!"

She walked away and I shoved it at her again. She punched me. Can you believe that? She punched me! That piece of..of...never mind.  I swear. She's 18, but she acts my age. I think our roles should be reversed. I'd be a better older sister.
"Awww," She taunted, pissed. She snatched the book from my hand and smacked it onto the shelf. Probably not where it actually went.

"Stop being so loud." I said. The last thing I wanted was for a librarian to think little of me. I have this thing where I feel like I should impress librarians.
"Shut the hell up,"

So yeah, don't fight in the library. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fangirl: Rainbow Rowell

Alright, well. I guess I'll just start from the beginning.
I got this book for Christmas of 2013, cause I asked for it. I had a book list that I kept handing to my mom starting in December. (That's when she usually starts all her shopping.)
The reason I was drawn to this book was because I MYSELF am a professional fangirl. Not over Simon and Baz like Cather. Usually it's over bands, anime, books..just not Simon Snow books. I'd have never of heard of that series if it weren't for Rainbow Rowell.
Anyways, I started reading it a few says ago. Usually, since it's only 438 pages long, I would have finished it by now. This book isn't bad. It's good. No, scratch that. It's okay. No! Scratch that, too. It's a little bit more than okay, maybe almost good. Alright. Whatever. Let's just say it's "good."
Usually, I can read things for almost 3 hours at the most, nonstop. My attention span when it comes to books, is NOT short. Honestly. But for some reason, I can only read this for an hour without falling asleep. (Literally. It happened last night.)
I'm a few pages more than halfway through. Maybe it'll get better. I'm just waiting for a climax. What I've noticed is that there's little problems that Cath has, but then they're solved a few more pages/chapters.
Maybe I was supposed to have a bigger reaction to one of Cath's little conflicts, because one of them was supposed to be the climax. Or, maybe it just hasn't happened yet. Hello! Rainbow Rowell! I'm waiting for the height of the plot!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Basically An Introduction.


Won't this make for an amazing blog post? I'll tell you every amazing aspect of my life, even if the aspect isn't very amazing. Ha-ha-ha.
Basically, my only audience will be my internet friends and people from my school. And I have to keep in mind the people from my school..I'll be using code names for the important people in my life. Here's the key!
Crush: Rubber Band
Former crush: Pencil
Clique of super religious and judgmental girls: Bible Study
Those might be kind of ridiculous, but they're easy for me to remember because of..inside jokes.
My best friends will be called by their own names: Jacey and Savannah. They already know all my secret stuff and everyone in my school knows we're best friends. No reason to hide it, ya know?

So, I supposed I should introduce myself--even though you probably already know who I am.
Hi. My name is Jessica Mitchell. I'm 12 years old, in the sixth grade, and I live in the homey little state of North Carolina. My main hobby is reading. I do it all the time. I read 40 books within the last 2 months of 2013. I think that's a bit impressive, not to sound arrogant or anything. Even though I probably am.
I'm definitely a raging feminist. I believe in religious freedom, gay rights, and the right for a woman to choose whether she has an abortion or not. People consider me a liberal in school because I'm open about my political views..and sometimes I'm criticized for them. Not sometimes. Always. By the Bible Study group. (If you didn't read what I wrote above, you won't know what I'm talking about.)

Reading is like crack. Very addicting. Very fun. Can you believe each book is only a combination of 26 letters! That's pretty goddamn amazing, ya know?

That's pretty much all you need to know about me..

So I should probably wrap this up. This blog will consist of things about books, school projects, personal things, boys, self discovery, and my own self-hatred. I might post a few short stories. Who knows! I plan to write in this everyday, and I don't give a frick if nobody reads this. It'll be my own personal, online diary! (I'll still use my code names of course, because somebody might stumble across this URL..)

I'd really prefer if you keep reading.